
never stop


When it´s knocking on your door …

…imagine the following situation: you stay on a parking lot outside Trondheim, waiting for the rain to stop to visit the city. Then it´s knocking on your door and a guy with a weird beard is smiling at you, saying „I like your truck“. You are inviting him and his family for a coffee and some fresh baked cake and a few hours later, you are sitting around their table, eating grilled sheep, salmon and spitzkohl from the barbecue. You are talking about trucks, cabins, frames, visa and wonderful plans and dreams. It feels so cozy and comfortable and you are so glad about this fantastic evening with these fantastic people. Thats what is travelling all about!

But after all, one question is still open: where are the elks? 

Maren, Nicklas & Saga – thank you so much! We wish you all the best for building your truck and for the start of your journey! See you in Alaska!


3 Gedanken zu „When it´s knocking on your door …

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  • Christine

    Find ich gut: Ich erfahre was von Euren Erlebnissen und mach gleichzeitig was to improve my English. Und ich wollte mir schon ne englische Lektüre kaufen 😉


    • MuP_509

      Aber bitte, sehr gern geschehen! So ein paar Stunden auf englisch sind noch ganz schön anstrengend… das muss noch besser werden 😉
      LG & bis bald in LA – ich freu mich schon!!!


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